The Impact of RALI

“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.

What impact can a RALI Event have?

RALI brings people from different racial, religious, or socio-economic backgrounds together to race across the lines that previously divided them, while working together for a common goal.

Why is the RALI important?

In life, we are separated from others who come from different racial, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds. It seems as if the default is to mostly spend time and associate with others who look like us.

In Atlanta, highways, roads, and county lines separate communities from different backgrounds. In the classroom, students are separated based off of who can afford after school tutoring for classes and standardized tests, and who needs to work an extra job to support their family. But this separation goes away on the field.

On the sports field, it does not matter what you look like or how much money your parents make. What matters most is winning. And with that common goal in mind, the barriers that separate us elsewhere in life come down.

RALI is a way to fight against this separation. RALI allows us to connect with others who we may never have connected with.

Can a game really have that big of an impact?

One RALI Event can get people who never would have have met to talk with each other and work together for the common goal of winning.

Practicing together, helping each other reach our common goals, and communicating with one another can lead to an increased understanding and respect for others. This can lead to meaningful relationships and connections that can lead to less interpersonal conflicts and peaceful coexistence.